So I've already shown I am terrible at making promises for sharing the rest of the mc11 audio, and now I guess I've added to the pile with the latest Deimos short too, I might just release a pack full of random sfx files at some point instead, iunno.
I think the best part for me adding these sounds was the button abuse two and a half minutes in. It's not even funny with how obnoxious the buzzer sound is but this is what my head was thinking at the time. (Warning: loud. Don't show Krinkels this.)
Hope the gore was adequate and cronchy, and I hope I'm not derailing too much from the audio style that has made madness so recognizable.
I really dig the sound effects you provided for Krinkels. They add a lot the grittiness that Madness is known for.
I also notice you have quite a few songs on your YouTube channel. Will you bring some of them to Newgrounds and will you be making new ones soon?